Posts Tagged ‘sharks’

The REAL Ancients

October 28, 2008








Alligators have been on the planet earth for at least 200 million years! (that’s 200,000,000 years) That is a long time.  They stay still, but don’t be fooled.  They are not fossils!  They are living DINOSAURS!!!

Alligators only live in America and in China, so if you are from these areas be on the LOOK OUT!!! Alligators tend to avoid human beings, but do not be too sure of yourself.  They will attack you and eat you.  In fact the instances of Alligator on human violence is on the rise!  Please be careful, especially during the mating season.  The males are particularly aggressive during mating season.  FYI: Alligator mating season is in the early spring.








Before Dinosaurs, before vertebrates, before most plants, even, there were SHARKS!!!  There is evidence that sharks existed four hundred and fifty million years ago. (that’s 450,000,000 years!)  Modern day sharks are more than one hundred million years old.  That is old!  That is before the lion’s share of PLANTS! wow.

These great beasts of the sea are surely mysterious.  Imagine staring into one of their eyes and looking into their AEONS of shared knowledge and wisdom, passed down through evolution and natural selection to create the most deadly natural born killer on planet earth.  

Many questions are still unanswered when it comes to SHARKS!!! For example, why do SHARKS!!! have an aversion to dolphins?  The behavior of SHARKS!!! to avoid dolphins even when they have the opportunity to feed is intriguing and can, at least for now, only be attributed to their superior knowledge given to them through the annuals of time herself.