Posts Tagged ‘Ringo’

Tombstone Quotes!

December 10, 2008

Tombstone is my favorite western movie ever (followed closely by Open Range). Here I have compiled the most quotable quotes from the movie. I know I didn’t get them all, but I hope this inspires you to go out and watch the movie … preferably for the twentieth time.

Its Billy Bob Thorton.

'Christ almighty it's like I'm setting here playing cards with my brother's kids or something, nerve racking sons of bitches!'


'Skin that smoke wagon and see what happens!''Jerk that pistol and go to work!''You gonna do something or just stand there and bleed?' 'I don't laugh all day long like an idiot, if that's what you mean.' 'SOMEBODY GET THAT GOD DAMNED DOG OUTTA HERE!!!' 'You called down the thunder, well now you got it! ... AND HELL'S COMING WITH ME!' 'I spent my whole life not knowing what I want, just chasing my tail.'

Wyatt, I am rolling.

'Wyatt, I am rolling.''Oh Johnny I apologize, I forgot you were there, you may go now.''Piss on you Wyatt.''Very cosmopolitan.''Well ... an enchanted moment.' 'Well This happens to be a nocturne ... You know, Frederick f***ing Chopin' 'And you, music lover, you're next ... I have two guns, one for each of ya.' 'Nonsense, I have not yet begun to defile myself ... I will not be pawed at.' 'Maybe poker is not your game Ike, I know ... let's have a spelling contest.' 'Yes, it's true you are a good woman, then again, you may be the anti- Christ.' 'That is a hell of a thing for you to say to me.' 'You're a daisy if you do.' 'I'm your huckleberry, that's just my game.' 'Make no mistake, it's not revenge he's after, it's a reckoning.' 'I'm your huckleberry.' 'It looks like someone just walked over your grave.' 'Say when.' 'I'm afraid the strain was too much for him to bear.' 'It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.' 'I'm dying, how are you?' 'There is no normal life Wyatt, there's just life, now get on with it.'

I think ... hes ... wonderful ...

'I think ... he's ... wonderful ...'


'Listen now Mr. Kansas law dog, law don't go around here, savvy?' 'We'll cut your god damned Pimp's heart out, you PIMP!'


'You know ... Steven Foster, O Susana, Campton Races ... Steven Stinking Foster!'


'I feel ... just ... capital.' 'Come and get some, boy.'


'I'll tell you, I'm suffering, from a hangover.''Like you said, Wyatt, we're brothers. You gotta back your brothers play.'

Damn right Il risk it.  Theyre breaking the law.

'Damn right I'l risk it. They're breaking the law.'


‘I want your blood, and I want your souls, and I want them both right now.’ ‘You smell that bill? It smells like someone died.’

‘I ain’t easy, and I ain’t yer kid, and you can take sorry and shove it up yer ass.’ – Random Cowboy.

‘I know you boys gotta keep movin’, but he looks pretty bad to me.’ – Charelton Heston (Hooker)